vineri, 25 mai 2012

Noul BMW seria 1

bmw-seria1Nou de la constructorul BMW: Seria1 cu 3 portiere si M135
Marele contructor auto BMW va lansa o noua versiune de caroserie pentru cel mai mic model din gama seria 1 cu 3 usi dar si cea mai puternica versiune a acestui model: M135i. Acest model este dotat cu un motor cu 6 cilindrii si tehnologie M Performance TwinPower Turbo de 320 CP.
Capacitatea cilindrica a modelului M135i este de 3 litri si sistem turbo. Cuplul maxim este de 450 Nm între 1.300 ?i 4.500 rpm, cu o putere de 320 CP ce este atinsã la 5.800 rpm. Pentru a ajunge la prima suta de km/ora are nevoie doar de 5.1 secunde iar in cazul varientei dotate cu cutie automata acest timp scade la 4.9 secunde.

Source : Noul BMW seria 1

joi, 10 mai 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 support impresive number of features

We have become merely a number of days away from your official unveiling with the Samsung s5230, the successor for the wildly popular Galaxy S2 which remains on the top with the Android smartphone sales charts. Although nothing is set in stone, a lot of rumours happen to be circulating throughout the internet in recent months, regarding its possible specifications.
One in the more intriguing and highly likely features the handset is prone to include is NFC technology. NFC means ‘Near Field Communication’. This features a number of real life applications, and although seen on a number of other handsets, the Samsung Galaxy S3 looks like it may be the handset to place fraxel treatments to the hands from the masses. Just what exactly does NFC actually do, and how can owners in the Samsung Galaxy S3 benefit from this technology?